FAQs on Human Energy Dynamics

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What do you mean by Human Energy Dynamics?


Based on the concept that matter generates electromagnetic signatures, human energy dynamics is the study of the field energy created by humans. This includes the mechanism of energy generation and the flow dynamics of the associated energy and how it interacts in the environment. It is the energy generated by the human organism that results in all thought and action of the individual, but that energy also exists externally to the individual and thus interacts with the various energies in the environment. The extent to which it interacts depends upon factors such as resonance, vibration and frequency. In fact energy flow is very similar to fluid dynamics. To give an example, if one gets angry and let's say shouts out in frustration, there is an energetic effect that can be seen on other people present, who will become withdrawn or perhaps angry themselves, this is an expression of the energy dynamic.


What is the purpose of the energy we create?


Very simply, it is to live. We create and use energy in order to facilitate our own experience according to our intention. Through the mechanism of intention and action we make things happen, we harness the energy and direct the flow, or often we go with the flow once we have found the right current. By understanding the dynamics, we can be more efficient in our use of it, thus we can more easily and accurately achieve our desired outcomes.


How does this help me in my business?


Once one has an understanding of the energy dynamics of the individual, it quickly becomes apparent that when numbers of humans come together the energy dynamic is significantly altered. Obviously, people can either work with or against each other. In order for a business to be sustainably successful, the employees have to work together reliably toward the same intention. When one begins to study energy interactions (quantum-ly called entanglements) one finds two conditions, harmony or dissonance, that is either the competing energetic waves flow together, entangle cooperatively and merge, or they conflict and create stormy entanglements. By assessing the organization for the flow dynamics of the workplace and employees, one can identify opportunities to create new efficiencies.


What does the training accomplish?


Corporate trainings focus on the practical application of human energy dynamics. Earthink will train your people to consciously deal with the work-place energy dynamics, thus giving them greater ability to fulfill the corporate intentions in terms of productivity, sustainability and profitability. Trainings that focus on the decision makers will help in managing human resources as well as in producing the stated goals and mission of the company. General trainings help individual employees to make better use of their time and to increase their productivity in a sustainable way.


What is the lecture series?


This is a presentation series designed to explore the current knowledge and research on human energy dynamics. It is intended to further the investigation into and science behind this concept. Rather than a focus on practical application, this series teaches the basic principles and current theories of energy dynamics.


How would a personal consultation help me?


In each session, the individual is encouraged to review their goals and success rate and assisted to analyze their reality from the perspective of energy flow. Out of this emerge obvious pathways to success. People find ways to heal, to advance their careers, to benefit their marriages and families and to otherwise achieve desire outcomes efficiently. They become empowered to set and reach goals reliably.


How long are the trainings?


Trainings are set up in four hour segments graded from basic through mastery levels and can be tailored to the specific organizational needs. Contact us directly for a current training curriculum guide.

EARThink CO, Heart to Community Commerce